
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Stoke Some More Tension

This is JUST what the Middle East needs right now.....some more tension stoked.  And it appears that Iran is going to get put under the pressure cooker for its nuclear program...a program that everyone but the most hopeful, diehard liberal, knows is meant to produce nuclear weapons to destroy Israel and the United States.,

IAEA report on Iran set to stoke Middle East tension

(Reuters) - The U.N. nuclear watchdog is expected this week to issue its most detailed report yet on research in Iran seen as geared to developing atomic bombs, heightening international suspicions of Iranian intentions and fuelling Middle East tension.

Western powers are likely to seize on the International Atomic Energy Agency document, which has been preceded by media speculation in Israel of military strikes against Iranian nuclear sites, to press for more sanctions on the oil producer.

But Russia and China fear the publication now of the IAEA's findings could hurt any chance of diplomacy resolving the long-running nuclear row and they have lobbied against it, signaling opposition to any new punitive U.N. measures against Iran.

Iran rejects allegations of atomic weapons ambitions, saying its nuclear program is aimed at producing electricity.

A senior U.S. military official said on Friday Iran had become the biggest threat to the United States and Israel's president said the military option to prevent Iran obtaining nuclear weapons was nearer.
Israel bombed an Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981 and launched a similar strike against Syria in 2007 -- precedents lending weight to its veiled threats to take similar action against Iran if foreign pressure fails to curb its atomic activities.

But many independent analysts see any such mission as too much for Israel to take on alone. Israel lacks long-range bombers that could deliver lasting damage to Iran's dispersed and fortified facilities.
Parsi said U.S. officials tended to view Israeli threats of military action as a pressure tactic to get Washington and Europe to adopt tougher sanctions against Iran.

But it he said would be dangerous to dismiss Israel's "saber-rattling" out of hand, he said.

"How much longer can this game of brinkmanship ... be pursued before it turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy?" Parsi wrote in an article posted on the website of CNN.


Poor little isolated Israel.  The world watches as the Persians attempt to gather the means to destroy the nation of Israel and lots of Jews along with it.  The professional analysts have all put their heads together and decided that Israel lacks the where-with-all to carry out any military incursion into Iran...and then they give us the reasons why this is so.  But what do most analysts lack when they arrive at this conclusion?  Answer:  a biblical worldview and a biblical understanding of the nation of Israel.

Israel has survived since 1948 because of a series of supernatural miracles.  Why?  Because the Bible tells us that once Israel is brought back to the Promised Land, she will NEVER be destroyed again.  So you can rest assured with 100% confidence that Iran WILL NOT destroy Israel.

In fact, it's Iran who is going to be destroyed.  In the Bible, Iran is referred to as Persia and also Elam.  It tells us that something big and bad is coming for Iran....and honestly, if I was a betting man, I would say it's going to come a lot sooner than most CNN analysts have any clue to.

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