
Friday, November 25, 2011

One Day in the Middle East

As I turned on the headlines this morning using Google News, notice the number of articles that are directly related to the Middle East....and then notice how they all affect Israel in some way.

Protesters Dig In as Egypt’s Generals Install Politician

And of course the Eyptian people will elect the Muslim Brotherhood whose main charter is the destruction of Israel.

Arab League Deadline Passes, No Response from Syria

Syria is close to civil war and have threatened to unleash all it's missiles on Israel.  Plus Isaiah 17 seems to be primed to take place...and they refuse to cooperate at all with their Muslim cousins.

Hamas: Israeli threats won't stop unity gov't

Hamas is a terrorist organization whose main charter is the destruction of Israel and yet the world seems content to let these clowns have power in Gaza and beyond.

Yemenis stage rival Sanaa rallies amid violence
Yemen will be the next country caught up in the Arab Spring who has thrown out it's government and the people will insist on electing some Islamists (like Al qaida) whose main charter is the destruction of Israel.
Iran raises stakes with claims it has netted 12 US spies               
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Of course Iran is on the threshold of acquiring nuclear weapons and seeks to use them to destroy Israel.
Moroccans hold Arab Spring-inspired election
And of course the people of this North African nation will elect an Islamist party to rule them.  And yes, it's definition, Islamists want Israel destroyed and the world ruled by Islam.
So these are just sampling of articles from just one morning...and many of them point to Israel.  Does Israel seem to be a "cup of trembling" that the world is choking on just like Zechariah said they would be in the last days?
As you carved your turkey yesterday in preparation for Thanksgiving dinner....did the thought float through your head that maybe this will be our last Thanksgiving on earth?

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