
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Stress Tests

So what happens if the Euro fails and the shock waves hit the U.S. banks?  Do they have the mustard to keep going or will it also drag us into some sort of quasi-collapse?

That question has been asked and now the Federal Reserve is going to have a war game scenario imagining just such a thing may happen.

BRUSSELS - US banks are to be subjected to stress tests on the scenario of a sudden shock to the American economy if the eurozone crisis significantly deteriorates.

The US Federal Reserve on Tuesday (22 November) announced that it would hold the tests, the third round of such trials since the start of the economic crisis, to measure which banks would be able to keep their heads above water if worst comes to worst.

The tests will assume a rise in US unemployment to 13 percent up from the current nine percent and a fall into recession for the US economy beginning at the end of this year.

The Fed said the tests will involve measurements against similar price and rate movements as happened in the second half of 2008, when the crisis erupted, but also on "potential sharp market price movements in European sovereign and financial sectors."


Of course it is good that they have these stress tests...just like it is good that the Pentagon plays war games.  We HOPE that we won't go there, but we need to think through the possibilities if we do.

We know the Euro and the U.S. dollar WILL FAIL.  It has to in order to usher in the new currency system that the Antichrist will use.  We just don't know exactly when.  Hopefully it won't happen until AFTER the rapture of the church.  Of course many believe that the rapture WILL BE the trigger that pushes the world into the arms of the Antichrist.  I tend to agree with that thought.

1 comment:

  1. Crazy times but I'm excited to be in the arms of the Lord. Keep up the watch, and I pray the Lord will strengthen you "even more as we see the day approaching".

