Tuesday, November 22, 2011

One World System Marches On

Are their shadowy power brokers in place all over the world that are secretly joined together by cabal names like "Bilderberg" or "Trilateral Commission" or "Skull and Crossbones"?  I believe that there are.

One article is reporting that Italy's new leader is actually part of the Bilderberg organization.  These organizations seem to have one thing in common....and that would be the attempt to bring the world together under a One-World-Government which of course would require a One-World-Financial system.

Italy’s new Prime Minister Mario Monti (with wife at left), who rose to power in what critics called a “coup d’etat,” is a prominent member of the world elite in the truest sense of the term. In fact, he is a leader in at least two of the most influential cabals in existence today: the secretive Bilderberg Group and David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission.

On November 16, the new Prime Minister — who will also serve as Italy’s “Economy Minister” — announced that he was appointing an array of bankers, technocrats, and lawyers to lead the emerging government. After unveiling proposed reforms later this week Monti and his unelected team will face Parliament in a confidence vote.

Some of the nation’s political parties have already said they support the new leadership. But others, including loyal members of Berlusconi’s party, complained of a “coup d’etat” engineered by bankers and the European Union.

Monti is also the European Group chairman of the infamous Trilateral Commission, according to the organization‘s website. The secretive group, which also lists among its members some of the most influential members of the world elite, was supposedly founded to bring about closer “cooperation” between North America, Europe, and Japan.

The Commission was founded in 1973 by the infamous banker and power-broker David Rockefeller. "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will,” Rockefeller wrote in his 2002 autobiography. “If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”  

Here;  http://www.thenewamerican.com/world-mainmenu-26/europe-mainmenu-35/9802-bilderberg-leader-mario-monti-takes-over-italy-in-coup

Friends, it appears that this system is close to completion.  All we need are a few more financial disasters and the people of the world will start to demand a new system....and of course a financial disaster of epic proportions could literally happen any day now.  All it will take is for Israel to invade Iran, Iran to close the strait of Hormuz, oil prices to spike to $250 per barrel flattening the so called economic recovery that we are told about because gasoline would be about $7.50 per gallon....and then the rapture of the church.  This would seal the deal.

Let's remember what the word of God clearly tells us about who is in control on this earth for this period of time;  "We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one."  1 John 5:19

I have an idea that the very people we truly believed were "helping us" (politicians, business leaders, financial leaders) may have actually been setting us up all along for this Tribulation system.  Furthermore, it is becoming more and more unlikely that they were simply unwilling pawns in the big Satanic plan....but were actually willingly working for the Prince of the Earth.


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