
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Public Schools Get Muslim Holiday

We heard an Egyptian speaker on Sunday night who clearly told us that Allah is Satan and that he put together a book of lies and errors to lead people away from Christ and to create a religion that bows to him 5 times per day.  He told us that true Islam believes that one day they will rule the world and they will take over countries by the sword where they need to...and by rule of law where they can.

The United States is sound asleep as to what we are letting into our nation....and the Christians who should have been battling this spiritual invasion should have been praying against it....but because most "Christians" don't know their Bibles and/or don't believe them they have no idea how to use their spiritual armor and spiritual weapon.  I hate to say it, but I believe we may soon be overrun by Satanic forces because of our disobedience and unbelief.

Massachusetts School District Marks Muslim Holiday

Some Massachusetts public school students have a day off this week, but it has nothing to do with power outages or snow.

The Cambridge school system is believed to be the first in Massachusetts to give all students a day off for a Muslim holiday
Students are getting Tuesday off for Eid al-Adha, also known as the Festival of Sacrifice, the Boston Globe reports.

"We’re ecstatic about this," Atif Harden, interim executive director of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, told the newspaper. "This is the first year that it’s going to occur. This sort of recognition of our existence and the population we have, we feel very good about."

The day off was approved by the school committee last year because of the district's sizable Muslim population.

Superintendent Jeffrey Young told the newspaper that honoring the holiday is in line with the district's values of "inclusion and respect."

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Holy tolerance!!  Talk about letting the wolf put his nose under the fence and into the pen that holds all the sheep!!  The day our nation starts shutting our schools down to appease a Satanic religion is the day that we fling open Pandora's box...and let all sorts of nasty stuff out.

Looks like that day is today.

Watch and pray.....

Hat tip to Julie E.

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