
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sarkozy Calls Netanyahu a Liar

Obama and Sarkozy were visiting in front of what they thought was a turned off microphone at the G20.  Sarkozy told Obama that he thought Netanyahu was a liar.  Obama responded with something like, "You think you have it bad...I have to work with him everyday."

This is interesting and prophetic.  Here again is Israel right in the very front of the daily news....and here we have evidence of two world leaders revealing what their true feelings are about Israel's leader.

In the remarks Thursday in Cannes, Sarkozy said: "Netanyahu, I can't stand him. He's a liar."

Obama, whose remarks were heard via a French translation, was not heard objecting to Sarkozy's characterization of Netanyahu. According to the French interpreter, Obama responded, "You are sick of him, but I have to work with him every day."

Through the interpreter, Obama was heard asking Sarkozy to help persuade the Palestinians to stop their efforts to gain U.N. recognition of a Palestinian state.

The journalists heard only fragments of the leaders' conversation.

Eytan Gilboa, an expert on U.S.-Israel relations at Bar-Ilan University near Tel Aviv, said the overheard comments could do Israel harm.

"Israel has a problem with a lack of credibility," said Gilboa. "Israel needs the U.S., especially now when it has Iran."

That last sentence is it Israel who needs the USA or is it the USA who needs Israel?  God said He will bless those who bless Israel....not that He will bless those who bless the USA.

All eyes are on Israel....exactly as the prophets told us they would be.

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