
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Syria Mines Its Border

When you hear of countries setting up mine fields along their borders, one assumes it would be to repel their enemies, but not so in Syria.  As stories like this multiply, it will be next to impossible for Assad to ever have a place among world leaders will he try and destroy Israel on his way out to try and improve his reputation amongst Jew haters everywhere?

SERHANIYEH, Lebanon (AP)–Syria is planting landmines along parts of the country's border with Lebanon as refugees stream out of the country to escape the crackdown on anti-government protests, officials and witnesses said Tuesday.

A Syrian man whose foot had to be amputated after he stepped on a mine just across from the Lebanese village of Irsal on Sunday was the first known victim of the mines, according to a doctor at a hospital in Lebanon where the man was brought for treatment. He asked that his name not be published out of fear of repercussions by authorities because of the sensitivity of the case.

The Syrian exodus to neighboring Lebanon and Turkey has proven a deep embarrassment for increasingly besieged President Bashar Assad, who warned over the weekend that the Middle East will burn if foreign powers try to intervene in his country's conflict.

It's hard NOT to read articles like this and realize that the stage continues to be set for Damascus to be obliterated...just like Isaiah 17 says it will be.

Remember to pray for the people of Syria, that they will realize the futility, meanness and hatred that Islam produces and will accept Jesus before this life on earth comes to an end.

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