
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

UNESCO Accepts Palestine

One has to wonder if this is the beginning of the UNESCO accepts Palestine into it's membership and shouts of, "Long live Palestine" were heard as the results of the vote were announced.

With the vote coming in the United Nations in 10 days, is this a foreshadowing of what is coming?  Will this further isolate Israel and push her back against the wall as the illogical support for another Arab terrorist state gathers strength around the world?

PARIS — Palestine became the 195th full member of Unesco on Monday, as the United Nations organization defied a mandated cutoff of American funds under federal legislation from the 1990s. The vote of Unesco’s full membership was 107 to 14, with 52 abstentions. 

 Cheers filled the hall at Unesco’s headquarters here after the vote, with one delegate shouting, “Long live Palestine!” in French. The Palestinian foreign minister, Riad al-Malki, praised the organization, saying that “this vote will help erase a tiny part of the injustice done to the Palestinian people” and that it would help protect world heritage sites in Israeli-occupied territory.       


The step will cost the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization one-quarter of its yearly budget — the 22 percent contributed by the United States (about $70 million) plus another 3 percent contributed by Israel. Victoria Nuland, a State Department spokeswoman, said that American contributions to Unesco, including $60 million scheduled for this month, would not be paid.       

 The Israeli ambassador, Nimrod Barkan, said that Unesco had done “a great disservice” to international efforts to restart negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. “Unesco deals in science, not in science fiction,” he said, noting that a Palestinian state is not otherwise recognized by the international community. Unesco, he said, had acted on a “political subject outside of its competence.”

Yigal Palmor, the Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, said the vote would not give the Palestinians “any advantage on the ground” and called the Unesco vote “a big diplomatic car crash.”

Ghassan Khatib, a Palestinian spokesman in the West Bank, urged Washington to provide the funds for Unesco regardless of the law. He called the action on Monday “a vote of confidence from the international community” and said it was “especially important because part of our battle with the Israeli occupation” involves defining history and heritage.  

See it here;   

We will need to continue watching to see how the "blessings and curses" promised in the Bible are carried out against those countries who continue cursing Israel.  And just MAYBE...the fact that we are standing with Israel may sustain this country in spite of our hideous balance sheet and our great falling away from Christ and our disdain for Truth....just MAYBE.     

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