
Thursday, December 29, 2011

8 Out of 10

Our friends at Barna research have come up with another statistic and it's not a good one.

Barna: 8 out of 10 young Christians can’t apply their faith to everyday life

Eight out of ten young Christian adults in America have no idea how to apply their faith to their daily living, reports pollster George Barna.

His finding was announced as the Barna Group released its end-of-the-year top six trends in American faith for 2011.

One of the most favorable discoveries by pollsters was that three-quarters of Americans see churches as a positive factor in their communities. Only 5 percent consider the church’s influence to be negative. However, “Americans are struggling to determine how faith, Christianity and church fit into modern life,” reports Barna.

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I believe the Bible tells us that in the last days men will have a form of godliness but will deny it's power.   This research would certainly confirm this prophecy.  How many people do we have in our churches who sit in the pews on Sunday but have no concept of WHO JESUS CHRIST really is?  How many of them have NO IDEA how the Holy Spirit works or WHAT their mission actually is? 

Sadly most people who define themselves as Christians spend their lives trying to conform to the patterns of this world....rather than allowing the Holy Spirit to transform their hearts and minds.

Lord, please help us in our unbelief.

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