
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Alien Artifacts on the Moon?

It seems that Hollywood and the media have been particularly enamored with the alien agenda over the past few years.  Hollywood is kicking out alien movies and TV shows faster that you can say the word, "abduction".  And now science seems to be joining the chatter that we are not alone in the universe and they we may soon discover the "Truth" of how humans actually made it to earth.

The headlines today are talking about how the moon is now going to be scoured for evidence of alien visits.

Hundreds of thousands of pictures of the moon will be examined for telltale signs that aliens once visited our cosmic neighbourhood if plans put forward by scientists go ahead.

Passing extraterrestrials might have left messages, scientific instruments, heaps of rubbish or evidence of mining on the dusty lunar surface that could be spotted by human telescopes and orbiting spacecraft.

Though the chances of finding the handiwork of long-gone aliens are exceptionally remote, scientists argue that a computerised search of lunar images, or a crowd-sourced analysis by amateur enthusiasts, would be cheap enough to justify given the importance of a potential discovery.


And the follow up news is that NASA has two probes en route to the moon as we speak and they should start sending back information in a few days.

Officials at NASA say they are now entering a new stage of a mission intended to place a pair of probes around Earth’s nearest neighbor and only satellite.

NASA officials said Monday mission controllers are preparing for the twin spaceships, named Grail-A and Grail-B, to enter the moon’s orbit on New Year’s Eve. The pair of probes are tasked with measuring the uneven gravity field of the moon and determine what lies beneath — straight down to the core.

Read more:

Hmmmm.....I wonder why all this focus on the moon?  Are they getting ready to "find" something? 

Remember that we believe that any "aliens" that they find, or that reveal themselves to us, are not actual aliens but rather are demons in disguise who have an agenda to deceive humans in a grand Satanic scheme.


  1. Wait, what? Earth-centric view of the universe? Aliens can't exist?

    I'd (Joel) like to ask some questions directly, my step-father wants me to come to one of your discussion groups (the next is on the 12th). Do you have an email? You can ask Wilson for mine.

  2. Hey Joel, you can email me at and follow me on Twitter; @thetrumpetblows.

    Yes there is much evidence of fallen angels decieving men in the Bible. Simply put, there is too much evidence of increasing UFO sightings, cattle mutilations, abduction reports, crop circles, Roswell, NM interviews, etc... to ignore it. SOMETHING big is going on and I believe it may be leading up to the time mentioned in 2 Thessalonians where God will send (allow) a GREAT DELUSION to those people left on earth...and all the burgeoning UFO sightings are simply preparing the world to accept whatever these "aliens" might say. I believe they are interdimensional beings and NOT from some far away galaxy...which is why Satan is called the "Prince of the Powers of the Air."

