
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Another Mysterious Blast Rocks Iran

A few weeks ago there was a huge blast in Iran that was said to be caused by missile scientists cooking up some new missiles.  In that explosion the top General of Missile development was killed along with a few dozen others.  Iran said it was caused by their mistakes....but some said it was Israel and/or the USA who had sabotaged the military facility to slow the development of Iran's nuclear missile program.

Yesterday there was another explosion in Iran at a military facility.  This one is also being called mysterious.

Report: Mysterious blast in Iran's Isfahan damaged key nuclear site

London Times quotes Israel intelligence officials as saying that satellite images show this week's reported blast in Isfahan was 'no accident.'

According to reports by the semi-official Fars news agency, frightened residents called the fire department after the blast, forcing the city authorities to admit there had been an explosion. Residents reported that their windows shook from the explosion's force.

At first, Iranian officials denied the reports, with the governor of Isfahan later alleging that the blast was caused by an accident that had occurred during a nearby military drill.

However, a report in the Times on Wednesday alleged that the blast had not been a military accident, and that the city's nuclear facility was damaged.

The report quotes Israeli intelligence officials who based their conclusion on updated satellite images showing smoke billowing from the direction of the conversion plant.
According to the Israeli sources, there was "no doubt" that the blast had damaged the nuclear facility, and that the explosion was not an "accident."


Is it possible that the attacks against Iran have already started?  Is it possible that Israel is going to take out Iran's nuclear capability one huge explosion at a time using some form of sabotage or weaponized computer viruses rather than using conventional warfare tactics of planes and bombs?

Of course it is totally possible.  What better way to silence Iran and get them to turn on each other? 

If Israel attacks them one day using conventional weapons (which they still may have to) it would rally the Iranian people around their leaders and make overthrowing the regime all the more difficult.  Whereas if these explosions are Israel's doing...Iran will be in a difficult spot because they would look like idiots if they admitted that the Jews were blowing up their facilities.

What an exciting time to be alive and watch God's amazing story be played out right before our eyes!

Thank you Lord for counting us worthy to see all these things, and we pray that we will live with anticipation and purpose as we await your glorious return when you will call us into the clouds to meet you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    Check this one out. A 30,000 LBS bomb that can be delivered by a stealth bomber. This would get their attention.


