
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Prepare for Armageddon

Here's a good headline for you regarding the banks in the UK who were told to prepare for the ultimate collapse of the Eurozone.

'Prepare for armageddon'

City regulator the Financial Services Authority has told banks to ready themselves for armageddon by running "stress tests" on their balance sheets.

FSA chief Hector Sants met the heads of BARCLAYS, SANTANDER, HSBC, LLOYDS and RBS last week.

News of the shock warning came as the world's biggest central banks today launched a desperate bid to save the global economy by flooding markets with cheaper cash.

The Bank of England was one of six pledging to make it cheaper for big banks to access "unlimited amounts" of US dollars.

And EU chiefs warned Europe had TEN DAYS to solve the debt crisis or face catastrophe.


Only ten days to solve the crisis?!?  Come on took us 60 years to borrow all this money, how can you tell us we only have 10 days?!?!

Also notice the phrase "desperate bid to save the global economy"....and notice what their desperate attempt consists of...FLOODING THE MARKETS WITH CASH including UNLIMITED AMOUNTS OF U.S. DOLLARS!?!!

At some point in time there are going to be so many U.S. dollars running around the world that they will become worthless.  When will that day come?  I have no idea...but I guarantee it is coming.

This is probably why our Master, Jesus, told us to lay up our treasure in heaven where moth and rust will never destroy it.  I have a pretty good idea that Jesus is paying more on our deposits that Wells Fargo is paying on savings accounts...which is .15%   Yes you heard that right..."point one five percent".  That means that if you had $1,000,000 sitting in a savings account, that Wells Fargo would pay you $1,500 per year in interest.  So you can see that even the millionaires aren't buying too many trips to Walt Disney World on that kind of ching.

"But about silver and gold??  Surely that will save us from the looming disaster."

How are you going to carry silver and gold with you when the trumpet blows and we all go flying into the clouds to meet Jesus?

1 comment:

  1. Sarkozy calls for 'refounding of Europe'
    French President says he and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will push for treaty changes to protect the euro.

    Don't you just love new beginning?

    Too bad there is not always a happy ending.
