
Monday, December 12, 2011

Iran Will Strike Turkey

We have been watching for Iran and Turkey to grow closer as the Ezekiel 38 coalition continues to be set up....and Iran and Turkey are two of the main players.

So this article that reports of Iran tough talking against Turkey seems to be a step back when it comes to the unfolding prophecy of Iran, Turkey and Russian drawing closer in a military alliance that will one day attack Israel.  When that happens, God will fight for Israel and will utterly destroy the coalition without Israel firing a shot in defense.

An Iranian security official said that Iran would "definitely" strike NATO positions in Turkey if it were attacked, according to a Monday report by the Turkish daily Hurriyet.

“We are closely monitoring the relations with Turkey in the National Security Commission of the parliament. Iran has warned Turkey before that the deployment of the system will have grave consequences." said Hossein Ibrahimi, vice-chairman of the Iranian parliament’s national security and foreign policy commission.

Tehran has made clear its displeasure at Turkey's September decision to deploy a NATO missile early warning system, which Iran sees as a US ploy to protect Israel from any counter-attack should the Jewish state target Iran's nuclear facilities.

relations between Iran and Turkey have been strained this year due to the missile shield and Ankara's outspoken criticism of Syrian President Bashar Assad's violent crackdown on popular unrest.

Turkey and Iran, the Middle East's two major non-Arab Muslim states, are vying for influence in the post-Arab Spring region and Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's military adviser accused Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan of setting its foreign policy to please Washington.


Many prophecy watchers believe that when the rapture of the church happens, events on earth will go into hyper drive and the stage and the players will be changed so fast that it's hard for us in the pre-rapture to even comprehend.  So it is entirely possible that both of these countries are posturing AGAINST each other right now as they get ready to jockey for power in the crumbling Middle East, but they will come together very quickly in the post-rapture world when the Antichrist is pulling the strings.

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