
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Obama Asks for His Toy Plane Back

As you probably know by now the U.S. Military lost one of its spy drone planes over Iran.  It is unclear whether it was shot down or just lost radio contact with its operator and simply came down.  However it happened it is now very clear to the world that Iran has our top secret drone.  They are proudly showing video of their military generals standing by the captured drone.

The fear with them getting the drone is that they will be able to reverse engineer the drone which is using our top secret advanced technology and end up using it for their spy purposes. 

Obama is well aware of he has gone on record saying that he has asked Iran if they would give us the drone back.  Oooooooo!!  Scary talk!!!!!!

"We've asked for it back," President Obama said of the spy plane, according to an Agence-France Press report. "We'll see how the Iranians respond."

See video here;

If the USA was truly a super power we would TELL IRAN, "Give us our flippin' drone back within 24 hours or we are going to make it rain laser guided missiles directly on your Mullah's heads."  They would say this very quietly and deliver the message via European diplomats...and then they would be prepared to take someone out if Iran didn't comply.

 But of course President Obama promised to apologize to the world for all of our military strength believing that would make the USA more liked by the rest of the world.  What he doesn't seem to grasp is that he is making us appear weak and impotent and emboldening our enemies to taunt us and attack us and then brag about their taunts all over the world.

Our weakness is preparing the world for a major war because all the players of the world can sense the power vacuum that America's demise is creating....and they are getting prepared to seize the day and climb to the top of hill once we fall off of it.

1 comment:

  1. Iran's armed forces will practice sealing off the Strait of Hormuz, a top lawmaker says, intending to use the threat of disrupting oil production to prevent other nations from using military action against Iran.

    Yes, they smell blood in the water.


