Monday, December 19, 2011

Massive Storm Hit Philippines

Hundreds are dead and swept out to sea as a surprise storm bashed into the Philippine Islands.  Check out some of the language used to describe this catastrophe;

The disaster area, located about 800km from the capital, Manila, is normally bypassed by the average of 20 typhoons that ravage other parts of the far-flung Philippine archipelago every year.

As a result, many residents were caught by surprise when floods suddenly hit their homes in the dead of night, before dawn on Saturday.

More than 88,000 people have been displaced by the storm with over half of them huddled in crowded, makeshift government evacuation centres, the disaster management council said.

The death toll is expected to rise even further as more floating bodies are recovered after sunrise, said Benito Ramos, head of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council.

He put the total of the dead at 927, adding that the council had lost count of all those still missing after tropical storm Washi brought heavy rains, flash floods and overflowing rivers to the southern island of Mindanao.

"They [the dead bodies] were washed out to sea. They were underwater for the first three days but now, in their state of decomposition, they are bloated and floating to the surface," Ramos said.

"The death toll will rise again [in the morning] when more bodies surface."


It sounds like a scene out of some Armageddon movie.  These scenes seem to be happening so fast that no one much pays attention anymore.  Probably just the way that the Prince of this Earth would have it.

For those of us who are "awake" these headlines just confirm that something BIG is going on.  For those who are "children of the darkness"....the increased frequency of catastrophic events just seems to make them fall further into a deep sleep...and further into denial.

They were caught by surprise when the flood came and took them all away.....sounds eerily familiar to as it was in the Days of Noah.


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