
Friday, December 2, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood Takes Egypt by Storm

Surprise!!  For all of us who watched Mubarak fall in Egypt last February...many of us wondered aloud if Muslim extremists taking over was a strong possibility.  The news today appears to confirm our fears.

Muslim Brotherhood Takes Elections by Storm

Islamist parties are expected to control Cairo's parliament by the spring with the Muslim Brotherhood projected to be in the driver's seat.
Judges overseeing the vote count in Egypt's parliamentary elections say Islamist parties have won a majority of the contested seats in the first round. The judges spoke on condition of anonymity because official results are expected to be released later Thursday.

They say the Muslim Brotherhood could take 45 percent of the seats up for grabs. The liberal Egyptian bloc coalition and the ultra-fundamentalist Nour party are competing for second place.

Together, Islamist parties are expected to control a majority of parliamentary seats by March. This week's vote was the first of six stages of parliamentary elections that will last until then.

Continued success by Islamists will allow them to give Cairo's government and constitution a decidedly Islamist character. It could also lead Cairo to shift away from the West towards the Iranian axis.

It sure appears that Islam is rising...and so many of them are so angry!

Oh well.....not to fret....because we are constantly reminded (first off by President Bush following 9/11)  that Islam is truly a great religion of peace.

“Allah is our objective.
The Prophet is our leader.
The Qur’an is our law.
Jihad is our way.
Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.
Allahu akbar!”

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