
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Panetta Scolds Israel

The Islamic world in the Middle East is currently partaking in murder, child torture, nuclear bomb cooking, civil war, Muslim extremists calling for the destruction of Israel and it's Jew-pigs, Islamists taking over governments...and the list goes on and on.   But the US Secretary of Defense has decided to scold Israel for not reaching out to make peace.

Panetta Scolds Israel on Peace Talks

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta urged Israel on Friday to "reach out and mend fences" with Turkey, Egypt and other security partners in the Middle East, saying he is troubled by the Jewish state's growing isolation in the volatile region.

I wonder if Panetta shouldn't be scolding all the Muslim states who refuse to recognize the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state?

I also wonder how close the line is between "scolding" and "cursing".  If we start cursing seems pretty clear by reading Genesis that God will soon be cursing us.


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