
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Old Testament Prophecy Fulfilled Before Our Eyes?

There is an obscure passage in Isaiah that talks about bricks coming down and a sycamore tree being destroyed and replaced by a different type of tree.

The Jewish author of a new book out titled The Harbinger is making the claim that the bricks coming down on 9/11 killed a sycamore tree that was replaced by type of cedar tree.

The "coincidences" get pretty eerie after that as two different U.S. Senators invoke the same obscure passage following 9/11.

If this story interests you, you can access the article here;

What these Senators don't realize is that the passage they are reading is actually calling down judgment and not offering comfort and solace...which is what they believe they are invoking.

Pretty darn I would suggest you take 5 minutes and read the article.

The passage is Isaiah 9:10 and the very next day was 9/11.  Coincidence?  You decide.

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