
Friday, December 23, 2011

Christianity May Be Gone From Iraq and Afghanistan

Jesus said he came to bring light into the darkness.  Wherever his follower are endowed with the Holy Spirit on earth then there is a light the shines.  The more followers there are...the brighter the light that shines.

So now that the USA has led a war in both countries hoping to allow freedom and human rights to ring...the exact opposite appears to have happened.  The Light of Jesus Christ may be disappearing at a very fast pace.

I think one would refer to this as "unintended consequences."

( - Despite long-term U.S. military occupations aimed at establishing representative governments in Iraq and Afghanistan, Christianity now faces the real threat of eradication in those countries because of severe and persistent persecution of Christians there, according to the chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Similarly, despite the “Arab Spring” rebellion in Egypt earlier this year, the survival of Christianity is also threatened in that country because of the escalating persecution of Christians.

“We are looking at two different countries where the United States invaded, occupied, changed their governments in the last decade--Iraq and Afghanistan--where it’s possible Christianity might be eradicated in our lifetime?” asked USCIRF Chairman Leonard Leo in a video interview.

“Yes,” said Leo, “and, unfortunately, that is sort of the pattern throughout the Middle Eastern region. The flight of Christians out of the region is unprecedented and it’s increasing year by year. It’s a very, very alarming situation.”


Isn't that ironic that the most "Christian" nation on earth may have used our military and diplomatic powers to overthrow Iraq, Afghanistan and Egypt....and now the Christians are being chased out at an alarming level?

That Satan character is sure a sneaky dude.  It makes one wonder if he knew all along that if the demons of war were unleashed in those lands that he would use the opportunity to drive all the Light that darkness can reign.

1 John tells us clearly that the "whole world is under the control of the evil one" I guess it really shouldn't surprise us that the U.S. may have been used in this way.

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