
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Russia and a Missile Named Satan

The tensions around the globe continue to heat up.  It's almost as if the nations can sense that something is getting ready to be shuffled...and they want to make sure they are ready to gather up their fair share of the pieces.

Today the headlines out of Russia are that they are not happy with the U.S. missile defense shield which we are working on to defend our allies and ourselves against an Iranian nuke.  Russia doesn't quite see it that way and are a little upset that it could be used to shoot down Russian nukes as well.

So now we have the headlines out of Russia that they are working on a 100 ton monster missile and it's nickname is "Satan"...and it appears the Cold War may start heating up again.

During campaign season, it never hurts for a presidential candidate facing a frustrated public to display toughness and resolve in the face of an old and familiar adversary. And it also doesn't hurt to throw in some shock-and-awe--say, a ballistic missile nicknamed "Satan."

This appears to at least partly explain why on Monday Russia announced that it had successfully tested a short-range interceptor missile; part of its ongoing effort to develop a domestic missile defense system, according to Russia's RIA News Agency. (The Russian Defense Ministry has provided a video of the missile's launch on its website.) Russia also announced it is working on the development of a 100-ton ballistic missile slated for release in 2015, Pravda reports. Russia recently held contested parliamentary polls and is due to hold presidential elections in March. Russia watchers note the political backdrop to the announced plans and their part in the wider narrative agenda: resurgent Russia's determined opposition to American missile defense plans in Eastern Europe.

"In connection with the plans of the United States to develop the air defense system in Europe, in close vicinity to Russia's borders, and because of the unwillingness of the U.S. side to provide any guarantees, the Russian Federation continues to take measures to preserve parity in the field," Pravda reports.


Remember that most prophecy watchers believe that the land of Magog mentioned in the Bible is today what we would call the territories that used to make up Soviet Union.

Also keep your eyes on what is happening with Putin over there.  He may not be the automatic shoe-in for President that many had believed he would be as protests build against his political ambitions.

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