
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Palm Sized Baby

A teeny tiny baby was born and has survived evidently being the 2nd smallest baby in U.S.

This headline got me thinking about something I have always pondered but no one from the Pro-Choice side has been able to satisfactorily explain...and here is the scenario;

If a woman gives birth to a palm sized baby weighing just 9 1/2 ounces and the doctor puts it into an incubator where the baby is alive....and then the mother decides the next day that she really doesn't want the hassle and expense of caring for a preemie the mother goes over to the incubator next door to her hospital room and shoves a scissors into the baby's head killing the baby....the police would immedieately arrest the woman and charge her with murder....the media would be appalled and how any human woman could behave so mercilessly to a baby....and the public outrage all around would be severe.

Now let's back up the whole scenario 24 hours where that same woman is still pregnant so the same palm sized, 9 1/2 ounce baby is still safe in her womb....and she decides she doesn't want the baby so she pays a doctor to reach into her womb and stick a scissors into the baby's head, kills it and then vacuums it out of the woman.  The woman goes home, the baby is thrown into a dumpster and the doctor collects $500 for his expertise.

The ONLY thing that changed is 24 hours....the result is still one dead baby.  But in one case the woman is in prison and in the next scenario she might be patted on her back for having "courage".

Can ANYONE explain how this can be happening in a civilized, intelligent country?

At birth, Melinda Star Guido was so tiny she could fit into the palm of her doctor's hand. Weighing just 9 1/2 ounces -- less than a can of soda -- she is among the smallest babies ever born in the world. Most infants her size don't survive, but doctors are preparing to send her home by New Year's.

Melinda was born premature at 24 weeks over the summer and spent the early months cocooned in an incubator in the neonatal intensive care unit in Southern California. Almost every day, her 22-year-old mother sits at her bedside and stays overnight whenever she can.

Read more:

I have read statistics that U.S. woman have aborted over 50,000,000 babies since abortion was legalized in the 1970's.  I heard one sermon where the preacher said, "The blood of 50,000,000 innocent children of God is crying out from the ground demanding justice from their Creator!"

You just wonder how long it will be until justice rolls...

But let justice roll on like a river,
righteousness like a never-failing stream! Amos 5:24

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