
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

U.S. Crime Rate FALLS!!

In our quest to bring you some "good new" happening on planet earth...we ran across this article yesterday in the Wall Street Journal.

Crime continues to fall in all major categories, a streak that has now hit 4½ years, according to data released Monday, but killings of police officers are on the rise this year.

Violent crime fell 6.4% in the first half of 2011, compared with the same period last year, with declines seen in every region of the country, Federal Bureau of Investigation figures showed. The preliminary data were gathered from about 12,500 local law-enforcement agencies.

Police officials and some criminologists attribute the persistent crime drop to more-sophisticated policing methods, such as targeting hot spots with extra officers. James Alan Fox, a professor of criminology at Northeastern University in Boston, said the proliferation of technology—from security cameras to cellphones—has also played a large role, making it harder for people to commit crimes without being reported or recorded.

Mr. Fox, the criminologist, said public perception of crime is often sharply at odds with actual crime rates. Many Americans, he said, "simply won't believe" crime is falling. For one reason, there are still plenty of neighborhoods where shootings are common. Second, he argued, crime is such a huge part of news and television programming that many people don't realize the crime rate is roughly half what it was two decades ago.


What??  The crime rate is HALF of what it was 20 years ago??!!  If that's true, that is some REALLY good news!!

I would say I have to agree with his news and programming contents.  We are simply bombarded with bad news 24/7 because that is more interesting to report and watch than good news.  Imagine how long a show would last that showed some boy scout troops cleaning a stream or a show that follows people delivering meals on wheels.  America want so to see guns blazing, cops running, criminals killing, etc....and the news wants to report on it.  So when we watch a steady diet of this news....we can have the idea that crime is increasing since we were little kids.....but it appears that this might not be true in the USA.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis,

    I use to work with a bunch of police officers in the south east. Their take on the happy news for statistics in our city was that they started filing police reports for strings of offenses in one report. So lets say your at the mall and 20 cars get broken into in the same lot. That is one report. Yea for performance based bonus incentives. You can make the numbers what they need to be to show your doing a great job.


