Thursday, December 8, 2011

That Can't Happen....This is America!!

Many times in the past years I have mentioned to people in the financial industry that I believe this country could collapse for a variety of reasons.  Many times the response to my comment will be, "Well that can never happen here."  When I ask them why they believe a U.S. collapse could never happen they say, "Because this is America!"

It's almost as if we have been drinking the America Kool-Aid for so long that we have started to believe that we are the biggest, best, richest, freest, most awesome nation on God's green earth....and NOTHING is EVER going to change that.

Really?  Could God take us down if He wills it??

So today I ran across this article quoting Jim Rogers who is a billionaire investor in a bow tie who was being interviewed on Glenn Beck TV.

“Jim, economic collapse with the euro: will that lead to a recession?” asks Glenn Beck.

“That will lead to the end of the world as we know it,” answers Jim Rogers, founder of Rogers International Commodities Index. “That will certainly lead to the end of the world as Washington D.C. knows it. There’s no question about that.”

But who is Jim Rogers and what does he know about the global financial situation?

For those unfamiliar with Beck’s guest, Jim Rogers is a famous American investor who, along with George Soros, founded the Quantum Fund, one of the world’s first international funds. Also, as mentioned above, he is the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index.

The conversation then turned to the topic of gold and the importance the precious metal may play in the near future.

“Everybody knows what that [gold] is. You’ll be able to sell it, barter it you have to, if it gets this bad,” said Rogers.

But what could create conditions bad enough to force someone to have to barter gold?

A total financial collapse.

Beck asked Rogers to explain difference between a recession, a depression, and the much-feared total collapse.

“Well, a recession is when your neighbor loses his job and a depression is when you lose your job. And collapse is when nobody has a job and there are people foraging in the streets; happened in Argentina 10 years ago, happened in Germany in the early 20s—“

“But it’ll never happen here. This is the United States of America!” Beck interjected.

At that point, for both the host and the guest, trying to keep a straight face became an exercise in futility.


I wonder if Rome, Babylon, or Greece said the same thing before the collapsed, "That could never happen here....we are the Roman Empire!!

The Lord sets up kingdoms and the Lord tears them down.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.


Blogger Tom said...

So what would you be thinking being a christian living in Iraq these days?

Mob Attacks on Iraqi Christian Businesses Raise Security Concerns

I suspect their point of view on Islam is very different then those in the west engaged in the interfaith dialog.



December 9, 2011 at 1:23 PM  

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