
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Africa Drought Looming

Here in Minnesota we are enjoying a very strange winter.  We have had no snow and warm temperatures.  This comes on top of having no measurable rain since last July...meaning the driest fall EVER!

Of course if this doesn't change in the spring we could be in for some trouble.  Kind of strange in that last spring into early summer was the wettest spring EVER.

Jesus told us to watch for droughts and famines as one of the signs that will accompany all the other signs.

So today we have this headline right in the center of Google News.

Aid groups: With new Africa drought looming, donors must speed response

Scientists and aid organizations gave the world plenty of time to prepare, but a late response by the world’s donor nations cost 50,000 to 100,000 lives during last year’s drought in the Horn of Africa region.

That is the message of a joint report by Oxfam International, Save the Children and other charities, released today, during the global meetings at Davos, Switzerland, and at the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Now, with a new drought looming in the West African nations of Mauritania, Niger, Mali, and Chad, the joint report, “The Dangerous Delay,” is calling for an overhaul of the world’s aid delivery system to avoid more preventable deaths from starvation.


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