
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

First the Bees....Now the Bats?

You guys remember a problem with the honey bees all disappearing?  It's called colony collapse.  Also remember that Albert Einstein predicted that if the bees disappeared that humans would starve to death in 4 years.  Of course this is due to the fact the bees pollinate so many of our food crops.

Today we see news that millions of bats are dying in North America due to some type of fungus.

U.S. scientists are estimating that between 5.7 million and 6.7 million bats in Canada and the United States have succumbed to white-nose syndrome, a fungus spreading in eastern North America.

The mortality figures were released Tuesday by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

"White-nose syndrome has spread quickly through bat populations in eastern North America, and has caused significant mortality in many colonies," said Dr. Jeremy Coleman, co-ordinator of the U.S white-nose syndrome program. "Many bats were lost before we were able to establish pre-white-nose syndrome population estimates."

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service director Dan Ashe said the "startling " figures illustrate the severity of the threat facing the animals.

"Today's new mortality estimates are a wake-up call that we need to do more, and fast," said Mollie Matteson with the Center for Biological Diversity.


I wonder how many strange things need to happen for people of planet earth to realize that God is up to something really big?

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