
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ahmadinejad Offers to Talk

If any of you have read Joel Rosenberg's latest book, TEHRAN INITIATIVE, you will remember a part in the book where the 12th Imam is getting ready to launch nuclear in order to keep the USA off guard, he proposes "talks" about their nuclear program.  And of course the President of the USA is happy to hear that the date for such talks is scheduled for later next he hangs all his hope on having some good talks next week.  Meanwhile he refuses to believe the intelligence reports he is receiving from Israel warning of an attack.

With that as a backdrop, today's headline is interesting in light of yesterday's posting that Iran was preparing for war.

Nuclear row: Iran President Ahmadinejad offers talks

On Monday, the EU banned new oil contracts with Iran, saying it was not confident Tehran's nuclear plans were "exclusively peaceful".

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said it was evident that "those who resort to coercion are opposed to talks".

Tehran insists its nuclear programme is for energy purposes.

Negotiations between Iran and the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany ended in a stalemate in January 2011.

President Ahmadinejad is the highest-ranking Iranian official since then to offer to resume talks.

In a speech made in Kerman, southeastern Iran, and broadcast on state television, he accused the West of trying to ruin negotiations in order to put increased pressure on Iran.

"It is the West that needs Iran and the Iranian nation will not lose from the sanctions," the president said.

"It is you who come up with excuses each time and issue resolutions on the verge of talks so that negotiations collapse,'' he said.

"Why should we shun talks? Why and how should a party that has logic and is right shun talks? It is evident that those who resort to coercion are opposed to talks and always bring pretexts and blame us instead."


This is crazy!  All Iran has been doing for the past five years is proposing to talk about their nuclear program...the West hangs their hat on the upcoming "talks" and the "hope" that may come out of them.  The talks then end in a stalemate with Iran agreeing to nothing...but in the meantime they have just bought themselves 3 more months of uninterrupted work on their nuclear bomb program.

Is it possible they are ready to start a major war in the near future...and have made this most recent offer of "more talks" simply to let the attacks come as more of a surprise to The West?

The headlines are getting pretty intense folks.  Remember, no matter WHAT happens....hold firm in your faith that Jesus Christ has already purchased you for a huge price...and He promised to stay with us until the end of the age....however long that is.

Even so, Come Lord Jesus.

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