
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

China Will Attack India in 2012

Now here is a "rumor of war" that hadn't even been on our thermometer, barometer or just came from out of the blue. 

The good news found in this article is that the attack will not be an all out war or invasion....but the expert says he is expecting China to come over and "slap" India.  Of course we all know that a big fight usually commences with a slap.

Former Indian Army Officer Col. Dr. Anil Athale Warns: Expect a Chinese Attack Against India by 'June/July 2012'

In a recent article, former Indian Army officer Dr. Anil Athale warned that China is carefully orchestrating security-related incidents against India. Such incidents include Chinese military incursions into Indian territory in the Western and North-Eastern border regions of India, recent mistreatment of Indian diplomats and businessmen in China, recurring disputes on the issuance of visas, and diplomatic rows involving Chinese attempts to question Indian sovereignty in Jammu & Kashmir.

Colonel (retired) Anil Athale, who is an author of the official history of the 1962 India-China conflict and now coordinator of the Indian Initiative for Peace, Arms Control & Disarmament (a think tank based in the city of Pune), warned that the government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is failing to prepare the country's armed forces to fight a likely war against China, which he warns could come as early as June/July 2012. He said that such a war could be like Pakistan's Kargil war, the 1999 conflict which originated after Pakistani troops and jihadists marched into Kashmir.

"It is time India woke up. Luckily, we do have some time. At the moment the Himalayan passes are frozen and no military operations are possible. The likely threat will only emerge in June/July 2012. It must be made clear that one is not talking of an all-out war. What we must accept is a short, sharp, attack by the Chinese, more in the nature of a slap!" he wrote in a recent article.

We aren't sure how this news ties into the detail of Last Days prophecies other than it is news about the "Kings of the East" and also it is simply hearing of more wars and rumors of war.

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