
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

If You Can't Beat Them....Join Them!

Here's a great article for the, "We Must Be Idiots!" file.

Since the Muslim Brotherhood seems to be taking over Egypt...and their number one goal is the destruction of Israel and America....let's send TEAM OBAMA over there to see if we can make friends!!!

US seeks closer ties with Islamists in historic shift in Egypt policy       

With the Muslim Brotherhood pulling within reach of an outright majority in Egypt’s new Parliament, the Obama administration has begun to reverse decades of mistrust and hostility as it seeks to forge closer ties with an organization once viewed as irreconcilably opposed to United States interests.  

The administration’s overtures — including high-level meetings in recent weeks — constitute a historic shift in a foreign policy held by successive American administrations that steadfastly supported the autocratic government of President Hosni Mubarak in part out of concern for the Brotherhood’s Islamist ideology and historic ties to militants.

The shift is, on one level, an acknowledgment of the new political reality here, and indeed around the region, as Islamist groups come to power. 


Holy waffle!!  What kind of message does this send to Islamist freaks all over the world?!?!  The Satanic horde is gathering to destroy God's Holy people....and us....and all we can think to do is set up meetings to drink tea and smoke the peace pipe?!


History should show us that appeasing radicals ONLY serves to empower them.....but maybe this time things will be different??  Really??

The definition of insanity;  doing the same thing over and over and each time expecting a different result.

Hat tip to Tom F.

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