
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dreaming of a One-World Currency

The debt bomb financial situation of the world continues to grow.  Bible readers know that ultimately the current system of numerous currencies will ultimately fail and will be replaced by a global financial system that the Antichrist will take control of...and require the "mark of the beast" in order to access it.

So we continue to watch for movement towards that inevitability.  Today we have this;

Dream of Universal Currency Just Won’t Die

The euro zone maelstrom refuses to end. Thanks to the debt crisis, some Greek officials are contemplating dumping the common currency for the drachma. Meanwhile, Italy and Spain teeter. A decade after the shared currency was heralded as a 21st-century tool for peace and prosperity, it turns out that currency unions aren’t such a hot idea.

Not so fast, though. This is undeniably a period of epic turmoil, and many economists will tell you that sovereign states need sovereign currencies—full stop. But this notion ignores a fundamental truth: Countries with their own currency may have monetary independence, but in reality—as gun battles in Libya, CDOs in the US, and tsunamis in Japan have taught us—we are only becoming more economically intertwined, regardless of what our coins look like.

Step back from the current crisis to consider the long view, and currency unions—or even a single global currency—have a fair share of appeal. A universal medium of exchange could eliminate currency risk and jack up trade. It would mean speculators couldn’t short an individual country’s currency. Exporters wouldn’t have to fret over the gap between a price on a contract and the value of the payment. A single currency could halt spastic swings in prices and end conversion fees, leaving more of the pie for little stuff like R&D and employee health insurance. Oh—and it could put an end to international disputes over currency manipulation. Hello? China?

The fact is, the modern economy and monetary system are too damn precarious for us not to examine every possible way to protect against future shocks—including going all in on a universal currency. It’s a bit like geoengineering: radical and outrageous at first blush but, given humanity’s current predicament, not as outrageous as dismissing it out of hand.


So you see, when the global currency is proposed it won't be something that people will be dragged into kicking and screaming.  It will be something that people will be ASKING FOR...because they want to avoid the shocks to the financial system that we have all been experiencing over these past 4 years.

People won't be FORCED to take the Mark of the Beast....they will be asking for it because they will all want to be part of the latest and greatest plan to save the economies of planet earth.

As many have already said...when the rapture of the church happens and the massive financial shock of their absence kicks in....someone really smart will come up with the plan for a single currency....and articles like those referenced above are preconditioning people to expect it.

Thankfully we won't be here during this coming incredible time of deception.

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