
Monday, January 2, 2012

Tri-Faith Project Being Built in Omaha

So what do you get when you cross some Episcopalians, some liberal Jews and some Muslims? 

Answer;  a Tri-Faith Project campus being built in Omaha Nebraska whose vision is: "Our vision is to build bridges of respect, acceptance and trust, to challenge stereotypes, to learn from each other and to counter the influence of fear and misunderstanding," the project posted on its website as its mission statement.

Yes!!  And of course their theme song will be Kum-ba-yah...where the word "Lord" can mean anything you want it to mean!!

OMAHA, NE — The similarities between the three Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are well known to those who study each religion, but many people practicing these faiths are not quite as aware.

A new project that its creators call the first development of its kind in the world hopes to shed light on those similarities with the building of the new Tri-Faith Project, a large privately-funded development in Omaha on a former country club and golf course that spans 35 acres and will comprise three sites: Temple Israel, the Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska (including a church) and the American Institute of Islamic Studies and Culture (which includes a mosque), as well as the large central Tri-Faith Center connecting the three religious centers for common events and meetings.
The main building will use a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) structure and will house an auditorium and briefing room for conferences, lectures, symposiums and film screenings, coffee shops and gathering spaces, kitchen and dining facilities, space for traveling exhibits and more. Included on the site will be educational and social facilities to be used by all of the religious groups sharing the campus.
Holy One-World-Religion!!  Did you catch all that crap about using an Energy and Environmental Design so that, of course, the whole thing can be a "green" project??  Did you catch the drivel about the "similarities" between the 3 Abrahamic faiths??  Give me a flippin' break!!!  The Koran says right in it that the Jews and infidels should be killed so the whole world can submit to Islam.  How do "tolerate" that? 
I have an idea that soon they will open their doors to others like the Hindus, Buddhists, Mother Earthers, etc....because they will also find "similarities" with those folks probably claiming that, "They all have a deep yearning for peace."
I'm sure Satan is clapping his hands together with joy over this project....a whole boat load of people doing NOTHING to gather themselves closer to Christ and the Truth He came to bring.
"Wide is the road that leads to destruction and many will be on it."


  1. Question for you Dennis.

    What do you think would happen to a Tri-Faith Project and its leaders if it were to be opened in an Islamic country on the ground claimed by the Ummah as part of Dar-Al_Islam.



  2. I'm guessing that 2/3 of the Tri- Faith would be driven out by whips and the 1/3 of Muslims would be serverly reprimanded for hanging out with infidels and disgracing Muhammad and the Koran. But hey, Tom!...this is America....don't you realize that by showing tolerance, love and acceptance to ALL PEOPLE that ALL PEOPLE will ulitmately show tolerance, love and acceptance to us? (insert extreme sarcasm)
