
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Implosion or Revival?

Author Joel Rosenberg sent out this email today.  Pretty serious stuff.   He seems to agree with what we have been saying...mainly that there isn't a politician in either party that is going to be able to save us.  If America is going to be saved it will take the supernatural hand of God.  We need a Holy Spirit revival.

(Washington, D.C., January 10, 2012) -- Are you praying (even fasting) today for America, for Israel and for the nations of the epicenter? Are you praying specifically for the Lord to raise up leaders who will get America back on the right track economically, spiritually and morally?

I just finished writing and editing a new non-fiction book entitled, "Implosion: Can America Recover From Our Economic and Spiritual Challenges In Time?" Lord willing, it will be published in June. But I need to begin talking about the message now because the issues are too important to wait. In the book, the most difficult I've ever had to write, I argue that America is not simply in decline; we are actually headed for collapse -- an implosion -- unless we make fundamental and sweeping changes soon.

Yes, we need strong, principled leaders with deep convictions who will return us to the Biblical principles that our Founders wove into the Constitution. But even in the best case scenario, even if we elect the right people who are serious about making major reforms in Washington and have a track record of results, they will not be able to save this country alone. We need so much more -- we need the Lord to rescue us, to have mercy on us, before it's too late. We need a series of spiritual revivals to break out in every region of the country to wake up a slumbering Church and reinvigorate pastors and lay people to preach the Gospel, make disciples, plant new churches, and care for the poor and needy with great boldness, courage and compassion. We saw God do this in America in the early 1700s with the first Great Awakening. We actually saw God do this again in the early 1800s with the Second Great Awakening. Now is the time to plead with the Lord for a Third Great Awakening.

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