
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Another Iranian Nuclear Scientist Assasinated

In a move right out of a James Bond movie....a black motorcycle pulled alongside a car carrying nuke scientist involved with Iranian program, stuck a magnet bomb to the side of the car then sped off and detonated it using a remote control killing the scientist and passengers.  This was not the first time this method had been used.

Of course you have to wonder if Israel is behind this?

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Two assailants on a motorcycle attached a magnetic bomb to the car of an Iranian university professor working at a key nuclear facility, killing him and his driver Wednesday, reports said. The slayings suggest a widening covert effort to set back Iran's atomic program.

The attack in Tehran bore a strong resemblance to earlier killings of scientists working on the Iranian nuclear program. It is certain to amplify authorities' claims of clandestine operations by Western powers and their allies to halt Iran's nuclear advances.

The blast killed Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, a chemistry expert and a director of the Natanz uranium enrichment facility in central Iran, state TV reported. State news agency IRNA said Roshan had "organizational links" to Iran's nuclear agency, which suggests a direct role in key aspects of the program.

On Tuesday, Israeli military chief Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz was quoted as telling a parliamentary panel that 2012 would be a "critical year" for Iran — in part because of "things that happen to it unnaturally."

"Many bad things have been happening to Iran in the recent period," added Mickey Segal, a former director of the Israeli military's Iranian intelligence department. "Iran is in a situation where pressure on it is mounting, and the latest assassination joins the pressure that the Iranian regime is facing."

Defiant Iranian authorities pointed the finger at archfoe Israel.


Of course if I was a betting man I would also bet that Israel is behind this.  And why not??  Isn't this a better way to wage war against a regime that has announced it's plans to destroy you??  Isn't a few guys on a motorcycle killing a few key players A LOT less invasive than flying hundreds of bombers dropping hundreds of bombs and igniting a full on war??

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