
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bethlehem to Host Anti-Israel "Christians"

Here is a disturbing article that shows you just how clueless some who profess Christ really are.

Next March, the Bible College in Bethlehem will host dozens of US theologians, activists and ministries for the “Christ at the Checkpoint 2012 Conference”.

It is to be a major religious and political event meant to demonize Israel and to support the Palestinian Intifada against the “ethnocentric” Jewish State.

The impressive range of Christian theologians and pastors from many churches located in the United States make the gravity of the upcoming conference clear.

Samuel Rodriguez, President of the US National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, is a speaker.

Also attending are popular US preacher and “spiritual adviser” to Bill Clinton, Tony Campolo, and President of the World Evangelical Alliance and Asia Evangelical Alliance, Sang-Bok David Kim.

Two of the conference organisers, Stephen Sizer and Sami Awad, adamantly defended the Gaza flotilla sent in May 2010 by the Turkish terror group IHH.

Another speaker, Ben White, has shared a political platform with Azzam Tamimi, who has endorsed suicide bombings against Jewish civilians in the past.

In the last few months we have seen an increase of attacks on Israel by many Christian denominations. While the United States is home to millions of Christian supporters of Israel, these are anti-Jewish Churches which are more closely attached to global public opinion, European bureaucracy, the media industry, the United Nations and various legal forums.

In fact, the “Bethlehem Call” manifesto, which serves as platform for the Bethlehem 2012 Conference, has just been published on the websites of the Would Council of Churches, the Global Ministries of the United Church of Christ and the Disciples of Christ.

The Bethlehem Call defines Israel as an “illegal regime” and a “crime against humanity”, it promotes “international boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigns” against Israel, labels the more neutral Churches as “accomplices in crimes against humanity” and attacks Christian Zionism as “a crime and sin as defying the core of the Gospel”.


Many will ask, "How could this be possible?  How could Bible reading self-proclaimed Christians not understand that Israel is a key player in the Last Days and that blessings and curses still apply?"

The answer is really quite simple.  If you are a person who believes that the entire Bible is true including even the difficult parts that are hard to understand....then you are a "literalist" and you will understand the significance of Israel and the major role they play in God's plan of working salvation.

On the other hand, if you believe that the Bible has large parts of it that are made up by men or are simply analogies meant to help us understand the mindset of these ancient people....then you can dismiss all the parts about Israel, blessings and curses and you can firmly begin to believe that any blessings reserved for Israel are really meant for all people on's that old, dangerous belief called, "replacement theology"....dangerous to Jews, Israel and to Christ followers who believe this false doctrine.

And there are a bunch of these folks who are soon meeting in Bethlehem.

Let's be in prayer for these folks that the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob will reveal the Truth of His Word to this entire conference.

Hat tip to Tom F.

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