
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Persecution is Coming

Many of us are aware that persecution of Christians is on the increase all over the world.  They are being harassed and killed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Egypt, China, North Korea, etc....  But will this persecution ever come to America?

We don't know if persecution will ever reach that level here in America before the rapture. But we do know that signs of persecution are coming...and they may start with people harassing us because of their claims of our intolerance of sexual actions and religious beliefs.  Specifically, they want us to embrace the gay lifestyle....and if we won't, then we may be singled out for not jumping on the bandwagon of celebrating gay perversion....or be labeled as "homophobes"... which will certainly one day be a criminal offense.

Check out what I just received on the prayer request of our local church;

1/12/2012 The senior high students will be up against a very difficult situation next week. There will be a day of celebration for the RAVE (which stands for respect, value, everyone) group and one of the events will be for all of the students to show their support for all of the homosexual students by wearing rainbow ribbons. So, are they gay haters if don’t wear the ribbons, and… if they do… Your youth staff needs wisdom and prayer from our Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. A good portion of our youth staff and sr. high students will be at Adventurous Christians on retreat this weekend, so ask God to use this time to prepare the kids for His glory.

SO maybe this is how it all begins?


  1. Is this happening in Buffalo Schools? Disgusting, and disturbing. My husband and I raised our kids in Buffalo, but we home schooled. If I was a parent with a kid in the school participating in this mess I would keep him/her home that day unless they felt a strong conviction to attend and stand up for what is right. How unfair for the school to put kids in such a situation! And to make matters worse many CHURCHES are encouraging such things! God have mercy on our children and help parents to be parents and to fight the schools instead of letting this happen!

  2. Hey Tammy, it is a sad state of affairs in our public doubt. And yes, how tragic that many mainline churches are now embracing all kinds of illicit behavior. They seem to be desperate to be accepted and conformed to the patterns of this world....the world that Jesus Christ called us out of!!
