
Friday, January 13, 2012

Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban

Of course the headlines are all a buzz about the video that shows U.S. Marines peeing on some dead Taliban fighters.  The morning news shows seemed excited to show the video.

I wonder why the morning news shows aren't as excited to show the Taliban executing women for learning how to read?  Or why they don't show the Taliban beheading anyone who doesn't subscribe to their religious beliefs?  Or why didn't they publicize the story about how the Taliban chained a man to 4 motorcycles and ripped him into quarters right in front of his family and dragged his body all over town?  Why??  Because he was teaching women to read.

Do you think it would make any difference if we learned that these dead Taliban fighters were responsible for killing these Marines friends one day earlier?  Or what if they had raped some little girls or boys before the marines took them out and sent them directly to meet Allah??

I watched a WWII documentary last night that talked about how the Russians gang raped thousands of Polish women, then saw the horror of concentration camps where millions were tortured and killed, then watched how U.S. soldiers executed German soldiers who were caught wearing U.S. uniforms....

But we are going to have a conniption fit about urination???  Did you know that urine is sterile??  That's is cleaner that drinking water!!

Here is some of the nonsense;

Those of us who want to sit on our easy chairs back in Minnesota and cast judgment on the men who are in the front lines of war...should really think long and hard before we do.

If these soldiers, who are reportedly highly trained special forces soldiers, are brought up on charges of war crimes...I hope that all of us get out of our easy chairs and protest.


  1. Thank you for this post, Dennis - our perspectives are so small...and what we hear in the news is so one-sided. It never ceases to amaze me how little is said over human rights violations of the muslim extemists. Feminists and other activists should be going CRAZY over this stuff, and it just goes by unchallenged. Unbelievable.

  2. Dennis - Thank you for the time and dedication that you have given to this blog. I have been a reader of it for a few years now. I thank God for the gift He has given to you as a watchman. We certainly are living in exciting times.
