
Monday, January 16, 2012

Let the Hacking Begin!

Most of the world's computer geeks are pretty sure that the Stuxnet virus that attacked Iran's nuclear facility computers was the work of Israeli computer hackers. 

Earlier this year it was revealed by the CIA that Chinese hackers had hacked into some major systems within the USA....even possibly our power grids?

Today we find out that hackers have been messing with the Israeli stock market and also Israel's national airline, El Al.

The distributed denial-of-service attacks, which also targeted three Israeli banks, were the latest salvo in a month-long offensive between Arab and Jewish hackers determined to give the Middle East conflict an online dimension.

Monday's hacking incident caused the stock exchange's website to perform slowly, while El Al's online services were unavailable for more than an hour.

Responsibility for the attack was claimed by a group of hackers, claiming to be based in Saudi Arabia, which identifies itself by the name "Nightmare".

It came days after a rival Israeli hacking group called "Israel Defenders" published what it said were the credit card details of hundreds of Saudis. Nightmare had carried out a similar stunt after hacking an Israeli sports website.
The self-proclaimed head of Nightmare, who identifies himself as "0xOmar", boasted on the microblogging website Twitter that he would never be caught.


Not sure if you guys are all aware of this but a computer hacking group that calls itself "anonymous" are anarchists who claim to have the capability to bring down the entire global system....banking, military, electric power,  food distribution, etc....

Don't have any idea if the angel Gabriel hinted at this day with the prophet Daniel, but he did tell him that in the last days, "Knowledge will increase".   When you look at the last 5000 years of mankind they have been riding horses pulling wagons.  My grandparents rode horses pulling wagons as their ONLY means of transportation.  And now today we have satellites beaming images, videos and conversations to hand held computers called SMART PHONES. 

In one man's lifetime we have gone from horses and wagons to remote controlled buggies landing on Mars and sending back high resolution pictures.  Also we have gone from not having the word "computer" to a time when hackers could literally disrupt life as we have come to know it simply by sitting at their computer and hacking into the system.

Wow!!  What an exciting time to be alive!!

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