
Monday, January 16, 2012

Russia Talks Tough if Iran is Attacked

We all know by now that we are watching for a coalition to form that includes Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya and a few other lesser Islamic states in North Africa.  We also know that when that coalition does form in the Last Days they will come up with an evil plan to destroy Israel....they won't be successful, but that won't stop them from coming up with the plan.

Today we have some headlines that seem to be showing Russia and Iran drawing closer.

Russia has given Iran its bear hug and warns Israel and the West that an attack on Tehran would be considered an attack on Moscow. The threat heightens the prospect of World War III in the event of a military strike on Iran.

“Iran is our neighbor,” Russia's outgoing ambassador to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, told reporters in Brussels. “And if Iran is involved in any military action, it’s a direct threat to our security.”

Kremlin Security Council head Nikolai Patrushev accused Israel of provoking the United States towards war against Iran, the Russian Interfax news agency reported Friday. “But at the same time, we believe that any country has the right to have what it needs to feel comfortable, including Iran," he added.

Rogozin warned on Friday that more attacks on Iran could cause "a scorching Arab Summer."

Russia also has come to the defense of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, warning Western nations not to intervene in Syria with military forces. Russia is a major arms supplier to Syria and has a heavy investment in Iran’s nuclear facilities.


Does it appear to anyone else that the Iranian situation seems to be a "checkmate" deal?  If the U.S. and or Israel attacks sounds like it could ignite WWIII.  If they don't attack Iran then the whole Middle East will end up in a nuclear arms race and you'll have even more crazy Muslims running around waving nuclear missiles in every one's face....threatening to cause chaos which will lead to WWIII.

So it sure appears we are heading for WWIII no matter what we do.  I guess the question comes down to who wants to light the match that will actually start it?

After watching footage last week of the Jews being rounded up by the Nazis and gassed at concentration camps....I know that Israel will not just sit idly by and let their ancient Persian enemies threaten them with annihilation....but what if the fear of Russia's military makes Israel stand down and hope for some other solution?

Holy quandary!!  I'm sure glad we know how the story ends and that God wins!!  Otherwise this would not be interesting to watch would be TERRIFYING!

Hat tip to Tom F.

1 comment:

  1. And... If Iran is attacked Oil prices go through the roof. Russian oil will bring a premium. So war on foreign soil is good for business in Russia.

    This article does not leave much to the imagination.

    TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran will use all its capabilities and possibilities to defend itself against foreign threats and the country will close the strategic Strait of Hormuz if it comes under threat, a prominent Iranian legislator said, adding that closing the waterway would be synonymous with paralyzing the arrogant powers' economies.

    I believe this to be an accurate assessment of the current state of affairs.


