
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

$800 Million for Arab Spring

Remember the folks in Egypt that keep chanting, "Death to America!" and who voted in the Muslim Brotherhood, whose number one goal is the destruction of America and Israel?

It appears that Obama's budget is going to give them some money to help their cause.

(Reuters) - The White House announced plans on Monday to help "Arab Spring" countries swept by revolutions with more than $800 million in economic aid, while maintaining U.S. military aid to Egypt.

In his annual budget message to Congress, President Barack Obama asked that military aid to Egypt be kept at the level of recent years -- $1.3 billion -- despite a crisis triggered by an Egyptian probe targeting American democracy activists.


Well...that's nice.  I sure hope the money that we give them will finally make them like us!

Boy oh boy....that "reset" button that Obama has been pushing for the past 3 must not be functioning correctly.  Oh well...just keep pushing it!!

Hat tip to Tom F.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dennis, And while we are giving money to the Arab spring. Russia and Iran are giving arms to Assad in Syria.

    If Russia loses Syria they loose their warm water port in the med. Not in their best interest to see him go.


