
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Google Message

Of course it is Valentine's Day today.  And Google has a message for you about who can be special friends on this special day.

Go to and click on the play button in the header.  You will see a little cartoon video of a girl jumping rope.  Near the end of the video get ready with you pause button so you can see the other special relationships that they support for this special day.

You will see a human space man and an alien.  A black woman and white woman.  Two gay men in tuxes.  A dog and a cat and a few others.

Can't a man and a woman just have their special day without everyone else feeling they have to be involved?

And what's up with all the alien references?  I guess the message is that when aliens do show up on earth...we should be ready with a Valentine card.  How's that for tolerance?

Hat tip to Jared F.

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