
Monday, February 13, 2012

What's Left?....Television and Football

Greece continues to burn.  We are pretty sure this unrest is not going to quiet down any time soon.  You simply can't give people a lifestyle that they grow used to and then take it away.  It doesn't matter that you should have never given that lifestyle to them in the first place.

A LANDMARK Athens cinema lay in ruins yesterday as stunned Greeks surveyed the damage of widespread riots.   

Officials say 45 buildings were wholly or partly destroyed by fire as violence erupted during demonstrations while parliament voted on Sunday for tough new austerity measures aimed at averting national bankruptcy.

"It's culture that has gone up in smoke," filmmaker Nikos Kavoukidis lamented as he shot footage of the crowd gathered at the ruins of the Attikon cinema. "What do we have left? Television and football?"

Overall, 170 businesses around the city centre sustained damage, including banks, bookstores, jewellery shops, home appliance stores and supermarkets, the Athens chamber of commerce said.

The government, neck-deep in debt, said it would seek a way to help out.


So again, we have to is Greece substantially different than America when it comes to balance sheets and borrowing?  Will we come to a time when Occupy Wall Street turns into Occupy Every City...and the fire bombs, riots, and anarchy pour across this nation?

Will a reporter one day ask an U.S. citizen why the anarchy is which the citizen will reply, "what else do we have left, but television and football?"

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