
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

College Vending Machine Dispenses Morning After Pill

This article can be filed in the, "I never thought I would see the day," file.

Of course the vending machine on campus not only dispenses abortion pills but also condoms, and pregnancy tests.  I wonder if they will soon add sex toys?

Students at Shippensburg University in central Pennsylvania can get the "morning-after" pill by sliding $25 into a vending machine installed at the request of the student government.    

The Etter Health Center at Shippensburg, a public school of 8,300 students in Appalachia's scenic Cumberland Valley, provides the Plan B One Step emergency contraceptive along with condoms, decongestants and pregnancy tests.

The pill is available without a prescription to anyone 17 or older, and the school checked records and found that all current students are that age or older, spokesman Peter Gigliotti said.

The machine was installed after a request from the student association. The pill's availability in a vending machine appears to be rare, if not unprecedented.


So we now live in a society that says to our kids, "Feast your eyes on free internet pornography, watch copious amounts of crap on TV and at theatres, get good and drunk at least 3-4 nights a week while at college, make sure you have sex with lots of different partners so you can decide who you want to live with, marriage is optional, and if you ever get so drunk that you forget to use your condom, just go the vending machine and take this pill which will kill the unwanted tissue in your stomach."

Do we really believe that the #1 issue facing this country is getting people back to work?  Do we really believe that if we can get the stock market back on firm footing that everything is going to be OK?  Do we really believe that electing someone different than Obama is going to "fix" everything?

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