
Monday, February 6, 2012

Now Watch Kuwait

We know the Muslim extremists are partying in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, and just about every other Muslim country.  And now it appears we can ad the country of Kuwait as they just elected a bunch of Muslim extremists.

ABU DHABI — Sunni Islamists have won a majority of Kuwait’sparliament.

Authorities said Islamic opposition candidates won 34 out of 50 seats in
the parliament. They said Sunni Islamists, bolstered by tribal support, won
23 seats, compared to nine in the previous parliament. No women were

“The Kuwait of tomorrow will not be the Kuwait of yesterday,” said Obeid Al Wasmi, a key opposition figure elected to parliament. (NOW THERE IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT)

Pro-government candidates did poorly in the elections, said to have been the most violent in years. Royalists won only a handful ofseats, with many losing their reelection bid amid an investigation over
corruption charges.

The Salafists, regarded as followers of Al Qaida, increased their representation from three to 12 seats.

The Salafists have been vociferousopponents of the U.S. military presence in Kuwait, with more than 25,000 troops.


OK....let's just think about this for a little bit...if you were a devout Muslim who believed what Allah said about a world wide caliphate taking over the world and ruling by Shariah law....a time when Jews and Christians would be destroyed...a time when the poor, ignorant Muslims will finally get there place in the Muhammad promised.....WOULDN'T YOU LOOK AROUND and start to believe that that is EXACTLY what you are witnessing?  Wouldn't it very possible confirm your faith in Islam and maybe embolden you to enter into this Arab Spring which seems to be spreading?

"Wide is the road that leads to destruction and many will be on it."  said Jesus.

Friends, the spiritual battle in the heavens is upon us like never before.  We need to be in prayer for these lost people and in prayer for this nation and our leaders.  We need to pray that America would wake up...before it's simply too late.

Hat tip to Tom F.

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