
Monday, February 6, 2012

Bible Rewritten to Not Offend Muslims

This next article can be filed into your drawer labeled, "Tickle their ears."...of course coming from the passage that says, "In the Last Days men will surround themselves with teachers who tell them what their itchy ears want to hear."

Remember that Muslims DENY the trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  The god of Allah that they worship claims to have no "helpers" some of the Bible printing companies thought it might be good to rework and rewrite the Bible.

Next up will be a Bible translation that reworks the word "sin" we can present the Bible to sinners but get rid of any of the offensive language that may be offensive to sinners.

And finally, we can work on a Bible that gets rid of the words "Jews" and "Israel" and replaces those words with "people" and "nations" that we can do away once and for all with this crazy notion that God has a "chosen people"....

 A controversy is brewing over three reputable Christian organizations, which are based in North America, whose efforts have ousted the words "Father" and "Son" from new Bibles. Wycliffe Bible Translators, Summer Institute of Linguistics and Frontiers are under fire for "producing Bibles that remove "Father," "Son" and "Son of God" because these terms are offensive to Muslims."

Concerned Christian missionaries, Bible translators, pastors, and national church leaders have come together with a public petition to stop these organizations. They claim a public petition is their last recourse because meetings with these organizations' leaders, staff resignations over this issue and criticism and appeals from native national Christians concerned about the translations "have failed to persuade these agencies to retain "Father" and "Son" in the text of all their translations."


It would appear that the "Great Falling Away" (apostasy) is upon us...when we can throw out the foundations of Christ as to not offend anyone....or to sell books.

This behavior is so egregious that even the Arab speaking Christians are speaking against it.  Here are three examples.

The main issues of this controversy surround new Arabic and Turkish translations. Here are three examples native speakers give:

First, Wycliffe and SIL have produced Stories of the Prophets, an Arabic Bible that uses an Arabic equivalent of "Lord" instead of "Father" and "Messiah" instead of "Son."

Second, Frontiers and SIL have produced Meaning of the Gospel of Christ , an Arabic translation which removes "Father" in reference to God and replaces it with "Allah," and removes or redefines "Son." For example, the verse which Christians use to justify going all over the world to make disciples, thus fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) reads, "Cleanse them by water in the name of Allah, his Messiah and his Holy Spirit" instead of "baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Rev. Bassam Madany, an Arab American who runs Middle East Resources, terms these organization's efforts as "a western imperialistic attempt that's inspired by cultural anthropology, and not by biblical theology."

Third, Frontiers and SIL have produced a new Turkish translation of the Gospel of Matthew that uses Turkish equivalents of "guardian" for "Father" and "representative" or "proxy" for "Son." To Turkish church leader Rev. Fikret Böcek, "This translation is 'an all-American idea' with absolutely no respect for the 'sacredness' of Scripture, or even of the growing Turkish church."

Hat tip to Jared F.


1 comment:

  1. Nice post.Very inspiring.We have learned to earn, grow, and live a fulfilled and happy life in the Spirit.I think interpreting our lives would mean on how we live our christian life more than any translation company could ever offer.
