
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Obama Says Israel USA Working Together

I hope Obama is telling the truth on this one...and that USA and Israel are working together on how to solve the Iran problem.

The US is working closely with Israel to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power, President Barack Obama has said.

He told NBC he believed Israel had not yet decided how to deal with the issue, amid reports that Israel may strike Iran as early as spring.

Mr Obama said the aim was to resolve the crisis diplomatically, but added that no option was off the table.


Mr Obama also said there was no evidence that the Iranians had "intentions or capabilities" to strike US targets in retaliation.


Every day now for the past 2 weeks, Iran's supreme leaders have been saying they have EVERY intention of taking out the USA, or striking the USA if anybody does anything to strike Iran and its illegal nuclear program...but I guess Obama doesn't believe those qualify as "intentions".

It President Obama's world...I wonder what they would have to say for Iran's threats to be registered in his mind as "intentions"?

Here is the article;

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