Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Gun Now Settles Disputes in Libya

We watch Libya because they are a named player in Ezekiel 38. 

Last year their fearless leader, Moamar Gaddafi,  was hauled out of a sewer pipe by his own people and somehow got shot in the head before they could get him to court.

So, now the people have got their wish...courtesy of the United Nations who sent bombers to take out Gaddafi's military....has peace, love and democracy broken out in this land filled with the descendants of Ishmael?


In towns and cities across Libya, celebrations took place marking the first anniversary of the uprising that led to the overthrow of Col Gaddafi, but hundreds of former rebels are still armed and many believe in settling disputes with a gun.

Benghazi is a city on edge. The flood of adrenalin that powered the revolution has ebbed away, exposing frayed tempers and short fuses.

It is a place where the "kateeba" rules supreme. This country is run by a patchwork of former rebel fighting brigades.

Like the kateeba (man with a gun) at the hospital, most of these brigades are answerable to no one but themselves. Each rules over its own little territory, whether it is a hospital, an airport or a few city blocks.

It is at the edges of these small fiefdoms that the trouble starts.


"He will be a wild donkey of a man:  his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand will be against him. and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers."  Genesis 16:12

It makes me wonder what may be the issue that unites the people of Libya?  What is it that could get them all on the same page?

Here is one idea that they might all agree on......destroy Israel and kill the Jews!

And Russia could be the country that leads them!


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