
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Iran Warns World of Coming Great Event

Amid crippling sanctions over its nuclear weapons program, Iran is continuing to prepare itself for war against the West, and now is warning of a coming great event.

“In light of the realization of the divine promise by almighty God, the Zionists and the Great Satan (America) will soon be defeated,” Ayatollah Khamenei, the Iranian supreme leader, is warning.

Khamenei, speaking to hundreds of youths from more than 70 countries attending a world conference on the Arab Spring just days ago, told a cheering crowd in Tehran that “Allah’s promises will be delivered and Islam will be victorious.”

Khamenei then claimed the current century as the century of Islam and promised that human history is on the verge of a great event and that soon the world will realize the power of Allah.

Many clerics in Iran have stated that Khamenei is the deputy of the last Islamic messiah on earth and that obedience to him is necessary for the final glorification of Islam.

Khamenei has been heard to say that the coming of the last Islamic Messiah, the Shiites’ 12th Imam Mahdi, is near and that specific actions need to be taken to protect the Islamic regime for upcoming events.


The article goes on to say how studies show that were Iran to detonate even one nuclear bomb over America that within a year 2/3 of Americans would cease to exist and the other 1/3 would be living in very dire circumstances.


  1. Hi Dennis,

    Planning for the big event has been actively going on now for the past 3 decades.

    A Brief Introduction to the Mahdism Doctrine.

    Source : The Scientific Committee of the International Conference of Mahdism Doctrine.

    The ‘Doctrine of Mahdiism’ is God’s certain vow in the End of History.

    The ‘Doctrine of Mahdiism’ is Shia’s supra-nuclear weapon for conquering the world.

    The ‘Doctrine of Mahdiism’ is the way of Islam development in the world and the window to convert the whole peoples to Islam,

    Its not like they haven't published their goals and objectives and held various conferences in Iran to share their vision.



  2. Hi Again,

    Check this one out along these lines.

    Yazd, Feb 7, IRNA - Zoroastrian Priest Shah Bahram Beluvani said on Tuesday that the Zorastrian society in Iran fully backs the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian government.,-leadership,-government/30805164

    The forces of darkness speak... you scratch my back I'll scratch yours.

    Crazy stuff.


