
Friday, February 3, 2012

Israel is a Cancer and Will be Removed

The hot-heads from Iran are cooking a nuclear bomb.  Even Israel now affirms that they have all the materials and know how to put a nuclear warhead together and mount it on a missile...however the Religious leaders of Iran have not given the order yet to "assemble the bomb."  When they do, Israel says it will take them about 6-8 months to accomplish the task.

So you can see how fast the clock is ticking towards a showdown.

Now let's look at what the #1 Towel Head from Iran is saying today...and ask yourselves if someone like this should have a button under his finger to launch a nuclear missile?

If not...what would you be willing to do to stop him?

"The Zionist regime is a cancerous tumor and it will be removed," Teheran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Friday.

The Iranian Revolution brought freedom and dignity to Iranian people and "destroyed the anti-Islamic regime, and brought Islamic regime instead… Dictatorship was changed to democracy," he said.

Khamenei further downplayed the possibility of a United States' strike on the Islamic Republic's nuclear facilities: "A war would be 10-times deadlier for the Americans… These threats indicate America's weakness and the Americans need to know that the more threats they make, the more they damage themselves."

He also dismissed the West's sanctions on Iran, saying that they will not make Iran forfeit its nuclear ambitions: "They said they would impose crippling sanctions to punish us, but the sanctions are good for us – they make us rely on our own talented people."

He also reiterated Iran's threat to close the Strait of Hormuz, saying that "when the time comes we will execute our warning."

Khamenei also addressed the Arab Spring, saying he believed the Palestinians will soon follow the example of the Arab world. He promised that "Iran would assist any country or organization that would fight the Zionist regime, which is now weaker than ever," he said.


Does Israel really have any choice that to blow the nuclear program to kingdom come?  If they do nothing and a million Jews are killed and Israel crippled....won't the world forever more ask them why they allowed that to happen? 

Isn't that question still being asked around the world today as Hitler came to power and started spouting the destruction of the Jews...and the Jews assumed it would all blow over.  The next thing they knew, the barbed wire went up and they were put on a train en route to a gas chamber.

"Never Again" are the words on the Holocaust Museum....and I believe that Israel means it.

I will say it again...we need to be in prayer for all the hot heads of Iran.  Pray that Jesus would appear to them and change their twisted way of thinking.  They are lost, but Jesus wants them found.  Also pray for Israel that their leaders can discern the course that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob wants them to take.

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