
Monday, February 20, 2012

Israel Drums Up for Iranian Strike

This video is pretty interesting for a few reasons.  Number one reason is that it is from Russia Today news service and we KNOW Russia is not going to be pro you can watch the bias against Israel in the report.

Number two because it was on the front page of Google Israel continues to be front and center every single day as the world begins to choke on what to do about Israel.

Number three is because the video seems to suggest that Israel is getting ready to strike Iran and that there maybe is nothing that can be done to stop it.

The world seems to be getting more dangerous every day.  What will America do if Israel strikes and missiles start raining onto Israel from Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Egypt and maybe others?  What will Russia do if Israel takes out Syria in one fell swoop?  What will happen to our wonderful American dream if gasoline doubles in price and we get sucked into another major war while having to borrow money from China to fight it?

Fear not.....just make sure the oil is in your lamps.

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