
Monday, February 20, 2012

Who Is Helping Iran?

The civilized world seems to be coming together on sanctioning Iran.  Their money supply is being cut off, their products in and out of the country and being squeezed in hopes that pressure will get the regime to turn away from its nuclear weapons program.

But some countries don't seem willing to squeeze Iran.

In an attempt to escape the effects of the wide-ranging sanctions imposed over Iran's illegal nuclear programme, Iran's central bank is using a number of financial institutions in China and Turkey to fund the purchase of vital goods to keep the Iranian economy afloat.

According to Western security officials China, which is Iran's largest oil trading partner, is playing a major role in helping Iran to avoid the sanctions.

Instead of transferring payments to Iran owed from oil purchases, Chinese banks are using the money to buy goods on behalf of the Iranians and then shipping them to Iran.

"It is like an old-fashioned barter mechanism," explained a senior security official. "The money Iran earns from oil sales goes into banks in China and is then used for Iranian purchases of other goods and materials. It is a very good way of getting round the sanctions." Security officials have also identified a number of financial institutions in Turkey that are helping Iran to evade sanctions.
Turkey, which maintains good diplomatic relations with Tehran, is particularly useful to Tehran because of its close trading ties with Europe.


Isn't it interesting how the named players in Ezekiel 38 keep helping each other?  Iran and Turkey are both key players in the coming coalition.  It's getting harder and harder to deny the evidence that something really big is cooking.

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