
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Israel's Peace Message to Iran

No one can argue with the fact that Israel is front and center in the headline news every single day.

Today is no different.  We find this on the front page of MSNBC.

Israel's president reached out to the Iranian people with a message of peace Wednesday, as the West tightened sanctions over Iran's nuclear program, and a former Israeli spymaster said Israel is not in mortal danger.   

Speaking at a ceremony marking the 63rd anniversary of the founding of Israel's parliament, Peres directed his remarks to the people of Iran.

"We were not born enemies and there is no need to live as enemies. Do not allow the flags of hostility to cast a dark shadow over your historic heritage," Peres said. "Your people are a sensitive people that aspire for friendship and peace, and not for conflicts and wars."

Israel and Iran had close relations before the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

"Peres is one of the few people in Israel who remember the warm ties between the two countries. He visited a few times before the revolution, he walked the streets of Tehran, ate at restaurants there and had many Iranian friends," she told The Associated Press.

In contrast to his message to the people, Peres denounced the Iranian regime.

"Iran is not only a threat for Israel, it constitutes a real danger to humanity as a whole," Peres said about the Iranian nuclear program. "The present Iranian regime is Imperialism-hungry, aspiring to be the region's supreme ruler," he said.


So what does all this public chatter mean?  Panetta is saying Israel is going to attack in April, May or June, Kruathammer says the leak from Israel is that an attack on Iran is going to happen any day now, and now you have Peres talking around the Iranian regime and talking directly to the Iranian people....almost like he is apologizing to them for some form of violence that is coming?

What an amazing time to be alive and witness all these things. 

"But do not be afraid.  All these things must happen, but the end is still to come."

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